Ebook and Course: Designing Your Unique Dance Event
A guide to designing events from the heart. Not “what’s always been done."
This guide is based on founding and running an intentionally small, odd-ball event in the woods for PA for five years. We made something completely our own and completely unique in the range of dance events people could choose from.
And from that experience, we saw people hungry for more intentional gatherings but lacking the information, skills, and frameworks to figure out what such an endeavor could mean for them. And post-pandemic, there’s an event greater need for alternative event styles where safety requires strict number caps.
This was my answer.
Except from Sales Page:
You have permission to create and run your own dance event.
Yes. You.
Our newcomers to the scene. Our old hats who’ve been around 20 years. Our “not skilled enough” dancers. Our all-stars and dreamboats. Our local leaders and our national voices. Our pros and our students. Our cool kids and quiet wall flowers. Our event directors of 20+ years and those trying it out for the first time.
This guide is for you.
Everyone has something they can bring to an experience. It doesn’t take being a “name” to do it. It takes someone who cares.
And right now, we need people who care and who have something to create that will take care of people.
There’s so much creative possibility in smaller events. We believe these are the future of social dancing. And we believe our dance can thrive because of it. Your dance needs you. Your community needs you to take your ideas from concept to reality.
Now go make something beautiful.